TedxAmsterdamWomen 2015: a unique event!
This year I had the – almost magic – luck of being selected to attend TedxAmsterdamWomen and of the event being on a day when I could attend it. I was thrilled!
Upon arrival at the Okura Hotel (which in itself is already a stunning location), so many little details catch my attention… so much had been thought of, so many opportunities were there to be inspired and so many tools had been already perfectly set up to facilitate attendees spread WOM – word of mouth. Everything so perfectly consistent with TED brand promise: “Ideas worth spreading” and every detail so carefully contributing to making the experience a  truly memorable one, ensuring each and every of the 5 senses was part of the experience at some point during the day.
Many of these details are documented in the video above and in my collage photo.
You can see my summary video of TedxAmsterdamWomen 2015 also on Magisto
This is an example of a photo booth with a hostess that took a photo of you & posted it on Twitter on your behalf.
@rodand @wownowexp Let's explore, empower & excel #TEDxAmsWomen pic.twitter.com/hanBxCf1CT
— TEDxAmsWomen (@TEDxAmsWomen) May 29, 2015
While waiting for the conference to start, attendees could have breakfast and drink while socialising using the inspirational questions placed on every table. I loved this detail!
Then the actual conference started, organised in 3 sections (to explore, to empower, to excel), alternating speakers and entertainment (from music to fashion to theater and ballet), including workshops and featuring a female start-up awards.
Below a section from my Twitter feed with the key quotes or moments of each section.
Section 1: to explore
The first talk of the conference was given by simonekukenheim
"Empathy & allowing doubts are a new form of leadership" @simonekukenheim #TEDxAmsWomen pic.twitter.com/PpCHb2T9VD
— Rosaria Cirillo CCXP (@Rodand) May 29, 2015
Then the stage was taken over by jennylanemusicÂ
So touching to feel the authenticity & emotion sharing of Jenny Lane opening @jennylanemusic #TEDxAmsWomen pic.twitter.com/TnlNAi78zB
— Rosaria Cirillo CCXP (@Rodand) May 29, 2015
WOW So much energy, emotion & inspiration in this song "to dream the impossible dream" @jennylanemusic #TEDxAmsWomen pic.twitter.com/VqUC7WdsXq
— Rosaria Cirillo CCXP (@Rodand) May 29, 2015
Raheel Raza gave an incredibly powerful speech about women in Muslim society and Islamic culture, reminding everyone that
“Culture should never be an excuse for abuse”
She received a standing ovation at the end of her speech.
"I studied my faith & history to be empowered from within"@raheelraza about her gender equality mission #TEDxAmsWomen pic.twitter.com/V6FxtTAdmI
— Rosaria Cirillo CCXP (@Rodand) May 29, 2015
Standing ovation for Raheel Raza, her activation work & her message @raheelraza #TEDxAmsWomen pic.twitter.com/fWIbqXjDKh
— Rosaria Cirillo CCXP (@Rodand) May 29, 2015
Then a very young scientist came on stage: Azza Faiad. Her wise words:
“If you teach a boy you teach an individual, if you teach a girl you teach a family”
Azza Faid talk last msg about the importance of kids education to drive a real change @azzafaiad #TEDxAmsWomen pic.twitter.com/kbKKlGGs11
— Rosaria Cirillo CCXP (@Rodand) May 29, 2015
Given my background in NVC (NonViolent Communication), I very much enjoyed hearing how Naomi Feil applied this methodology with the elderly, creating the “Validation Theory”
"Feelings that are expressed and listened to with empathy are relieved." Naomi Feil #TEDxAmsWomen
— Rosaria Cirillo CCXP (@Rodand) May 29, 2015
"Crying is healing. When a person can't cry anymore, the body blocks." Naomi Feil #TEDxAmsWomen
— Rosaria Cirillo CCXP (@Rodand) May 29, 2015
"Rephrasing is exquisite listening. "Is that what you mean?"" Naomi Feil on Validation Theory #TEDxAmsWomen pic.twitter.com/XQuMydgEVw
— Rosaria Cirillo CCXP (@Rodand) May 29, 2015
And it was quite interesting just two weeks later – on June 16th in occasion of Spark 2015, another inspiring event – to hear directly from Marian Spier, the founder of TEDxAmsterdamWomen, how she coached Naomi Fell and Azza Faiad.
Funny to hear about how Marian coached Naomi Fell just few weeks after seeing that talk live #TEDxAmsWomen #SPARK2015 pic.twitter.com/qHOCmhZzeX
— Rosaria Cirillo CCXP (@Rodand) June 16, 2015
"Acknowledge the dream you have & rebrand your story" Marian Spier about coaching Azza Faiad #TEDxAmsWomen #Spark2015 pic.twitter.com/SkMR1n2d3F
— Rosaria Cirillo CCXP (@Rodand) June 16, 2015
Lunch time was packed with great food and more inspirational opportunities at the many stands around… and the possibility to buy books!
Art, books, questions, ideas…many boots to get inspired during lunch too.#TEDxAmsWomen http://t.co/02jPEVxtYr pic.twitter.com/kqqKuBD4WE
— Rosaria Cirillo CCXP (@Rodand) May 29, 2015
Section 2: to empower
After an extraordinary fashion experience by Dorhout Mees, word famous Steve McCurry was on stage describing some of his most famous female photos and what they meant for the world awareness and for the subjects of the photo too.
Steve McCurry about his most famous photo @McCurryStudios #TEDxAmsWomen pic.twitter.com/N1OnPGoMB4
— Rosaria Cirillo CCXP (@Rodand) May 29, 2015
Steve McCurry sharing the story of Petra Nemcova & how 1 event changed her http://t.co/7fdkwC88EV #TedxAmsterdamWomen pic.twitter.com/TUkqPG3iC0
— Rosaria Cirillo CCXP (@Rodand) May 29, 2015
When the finalists of the female start-up awards took over the stage, I was in total awe at the beauty and world value of these start-ups (Nimbles & Rooflife) and at their presentation energy (TIM The Influencers Movement).
Remarkable presentations for Startup Awards. Creating oxygen by making green roofs! #TEDxAmsWomen #Rooflife pic.twitter.com/vONcjivyIu
— Rosaria Cirillo CCXP (@Rodand) May 29, 2015
Nimble. Democratizing mkt of education wh direct access 2 tutors. Also interesting! #StartupAwards2015 #TEDxAmsWomen pic.twitter.com/OvnAuBwP91
— Rosaria Cirillo CCXP (@Rodand) May 29, 2015
Great presenting skills of TIM founders, connecting marketeers & influencers Other interesting finalist #TEDxAmsWomen pic.twitter.com/8TqTjDjx7k
— Rosaria Cirillo CCXP (@Rodand) May 29, 2015
We are still only half way when Astrid Elburg presents her view of leadership:
” Leadership is about:
- Courage to question systems
- Strength to stand
- Compassion
- Timing to speak out “
and presented the “Bagel factor” leadership.
The Bagel Factor in #Leadership. Believe, Allow, Grow & Enjoy. Astrid Elburg, #TEDxAmsWomen pic.twitter.com/mKYLK67Ov9
— Rosaria Cirillo CCXP (@Rodand) May 29, 2015
When Corinne Vigreux, co-Founder of TomTom, Â goes on stage you could feel how the entire room is fully engaged with and captivated by her enthusiasm, passion and drive.
"What are u passionate about? What makes u tick? What's a good day for u?" So much energy & humor in her talk!@CorinneVigreux #TEDxAmsWomen
— Rosaria Cirillo CCXP (@Rodand) May 29, 2015
Another detail of the day: each section of the conference was summarised in real time into an illustration showed on screen until the start of the next section.
Drawing summary of Block 2 To Empower #Tedxamswomen pic.twitter.com/wk3Mxt7cg4
— Rosaria Cirillo CCXP (@Rodand) May 29, 2015
Section 3: to excel
After another remarkable performance, this time a ballet from the House of Makers, the entire room becomes pitch black. There is no light. Until the next speaker comes on stage with the candle. H.R.H. Princess Abze Djigma doesn’t just remind us, but makes us experience how dark it is in West Africa from 18:15 to 5:45 every day. Light it’s such a basic fundamental life and education empowering tool. It’s thanks to light that children can keep reading after sunset.Â
Introducing H.R.H. Princess Abze Djigma in the dark. LIGHT something else we give for granted. #TEDxAmsWomen pic.twitter.com/bPIotc6ToJ
— Rosaria Cirillo CCXP (@Rodand) May 29, 2015
I especially loved this quote:
'If you want to help someone, empower him. Don't just give charity money' H.R.H. Princess Abze Djigma at #TEDxAmsWomen
— Rosaria Cirillo CCXP (@Rodand) May 29, 2015
Again a similar message to the one from Azza Faiad:
'If you educate a girl, you educate humanity' H.R.H. Princess Abze Djigma at #TEDxAmsWomen #TEDWomen pic.twitter.com/uRfRRkFMX4
— TEDxAmsWomen (@TEDxAmsWomen) May 29, 2015
Other powerful women on stage:
WassilaHachchi, Member of Parliament for D66 and founder of Dialogue Digital
A dialogue is like oxygen to live! D most effective & sustainable solution for freedom. @WassilaHachchi #TEDxAmsWomen pic.twitter.com/awZIhFZVLp
— Rosaria Cirillo CCXP (@Rodand) May 29, 2015
Real social changes come from outside politics! Change happens in the social community. @WassilaHachchi #TEDxAmsWomen pic.twitter.com/4WEmvjoXI2
— Rosaria Cirillo CCXP (@Rodand) May 29, 2015
Interesting new start-up Dialogue Digital empowers dialogue online. Listen Think Speak.@WassilaHachchi #TEDxAmsWomen pic.twitter.com/FsCtGjal4z
— Rosaria Cirillo CCXP (@Rodand) May 29, 2015
and Arita Baaijens (@search4paradise), Dutch adventurer and explorer
3 learnings from the desert Arita Baaijens @search4paradise #TEDxAmsWomen pic.twitter.com/s190exmrfC
— Rosaria Cirillo CCXP (@Rodand) May 29, 2015
"A void is filled with possibilities & opportunities" Arita Baaijens @search4paradise #TEDxAmsWomen pic.twitter.com/QeeDLZV6vK
— Rosaria Cirillo CCXP (@Rodand) May 29, 2015
With the final guest on stage, Lucia de Berk, a Dutch nurse innocently imprisoned for 7 years due to a miscarriage of justice, the room goes in total silence disbelief, vibrating only with emotions of compassion, respect and admiration for a woman that kept sanity and faith, while in prison, away for seven years from her daughter, just by meditating and repeating herself every day the mantra “I didn’t do it” .
Remarkable how Lucia de Berk is at peace wh having been unrightfully condemned & imprisoned for 6 years!#TEDxAmsWomen pic.twitter.com/fu3CTQ6T4c
— Rosaria Cirillo CCXP (@Rodand) May 29, 2015
Before closure, it’s time to announce the start-up awards winner.
And the winner is… #startupawards2015 #TedxAmsWomen pic.twitter.com/PmaNFR2MPw
— Rosaria Cirillo CCXP (@Rodand) May 29, 2015
Announcing the winner quoting Mandela "Education is the most powerful weapon!" Congratulations #Nimble #TedxAmsWomen pic.twitter.com/y2YYivC9p9
— Rosaria Cirillo CCXP (@Rodand) May 29, 2015
A day full of remarkable talks has come to an end, closing with another great artist and powerful lyrics: “Be who you are”
Closing with spot on song… "Be who you are" by @SanguitaA #TedxAmsWomen pic.twitter.com/Ntv8dQTmhW
— Rosaria Cirillo CCXP (@Rodand) May 29, 2015
Overall an amazing conference in which every aspect of the experience had been taken care of delivering a full WOW experience
While I left this conference very much inspired and energised, many of the speeches reminded me of how lucky we are to be born in free countries and quite few of them left me wondering why is that we need a life changing event (often a life threatening one or the loss of someone we love) to start caring and acting about conditions in the rest of the world and/or discovering & following our life purpose.
What about you? Have you already found your purpose and have you started acting on it without needing a major life event to act as a wake-up call?